email correspondence with radio host Gary Kaltbaum.

Hi Gary,

I continue to like your radio show. My 2011 asset allocation remained within a few percent of 55% equities with one Master Ltd Partnership and 45% intermediately laddered double tax-free muni bonds. Our income yield was 4% and our annual portfolio growth was 5% with half donated to matching philanthropic addiction prevention and recovery programs in Portland, Oregon. I am proudest of our direct sobriety-related support with 155 Sobriety Pledges from teens who honor their minds, bodies, and spirits without drugs or alcohol on our Sobriety Pledge webpage. Kids who don’t drink or drug before 21 significantly reduce the possibility for future addiction. 622 participants collectively celebrate 8200 clean & sober years on our Sobriety Anniversary webpage. These are gifts beyond financial measure! I subscribe to Bob Brinker’s Marketimer newsletter, and I listen to your radio program. You both offer valuable insight and seasoned experience. He’s “all in” and right now am I correct in assuming you’re “all out”? My approach is to split the difference with a keen eye on earnings, growth, and yield in the midst of manic market swings. Make sense? With a total return in the neighborhood of 9% and the S&P slightly below water, I am pleased with our results.

Sincerely, Brad Mersereau