Message to Samantha Swindler of The Oregonian
Dear Samantha,
My wife and I enjoy your Oregonian columns including today’s article about the connecting power of piano music at Portland International Airport. I lost my sister Laura on June 13, 1999 to alcoholism. Our mission at is to keep her memory alive with addiction prevention and recovery resources. 1086 champions currently celebrate 19,917 clean & sober years at With September updates, our participants will collectively affirm over 20,000 Sobriety Anniversary years!
I hope that you will peruse our website and consider their achievement and my motivation to honor Laura as an Oregonian story idea.
Sincerely, Brad Mersereau
p.s. Our highest Maslow priority is addiction prevention. 340 proactive teens honor mind, body and spirit without drugs or alcohol before 21 at Laura’s Pledge thus significantly reducing the possibility of later addiction. I am a composer and pianist, so we offer opportunities to hear music on multiple webpages.