Correspondence with Tom Hedrick, Parent Support Leader,The Partnership at

Dear Brad,

Did you know that 90% of addictions start during the teenage years?

90% of addictions start in the teen years

It’s true; 9 out of 10 people who meet the medical criteria for drug or alcohol abuse or dependence started smoking, drinking or using other drugs before the age of 18. But you can cut the risk in half by just talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol.

Substance abuse touches us all, and preventing it begins with knowing when it starts. So today I’m asking you to share this knowledge with everyone you know.

As I read through all the powerful stories sent to us by people like you, this same theme shines through: Substance abuse starts young. Gaby S. knows it all too well – she shared this story about her daughter:

My daughter was on a downward spiral for a long time before I even knew it. She hid it so well, until we started noticing money missing from everywhere in the home … then we noticed my son’s car missing one night – that’s how we knew something was wrong … She asked me to find her help …We looked for a rehab and today my daughter has been living in a half way home for four months … we are all proud of how much she has grown.

Gaby was able to find help for her daughter – and at The Partnership at, we’re here to help you, your friends and your family get the support you need. And one of the first steps is helping people understand the issue.

Share the infographic and make sure your friends and family know when substance abuse starts and when it’s time to talk:


Tom Hedrick
Parent Support Leader
The Partnership at