email correspondence to Spencer Cohen of the New York Times

Good evening Spencer,

I had the pleasure of hearing Nicholas speak on June 1st at the Terwilliger Plaza Forum in Portland, Oregon.  I handed him my card with a brief explanation of our addiction prevention and recovery work honoring my sister Laura’s memory.  Because he is a champion for addiction prevention, I want to share where 457 teens honor mind, body and spirit without drugs or alcohol before 21,  thus significantly reducing possibility for later addiction.  I would be so grateful in a future article if Nicholas chose to share our 6 Refusal skills and 10 tips for parents.  I firmly believe that additional lives would be saved.  I offered any and all materials at as a resource.  I deeply admire Nicholas’ thoughtful commentary and deeply nuanced approach to complex issues.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, Brad Mersereau